Saturday, March 31, 2007

Reporting back

Well I told you all that I was going to be on local radio, and I was. To be honest that's all there really is about that. It is a really small station that is run completely by volunteers. So that should tell about the size of the listening audience. But it was a fun experience. The DJ was really cheesy, but you really can't expect anything less. When I say cheesy I mean the type of guy that is volunteering to do this but takes the job way to seriously. Anyways it was a lot of fun. Who knows maybe it'll be something that I'll have to do more of some day. Man would that be great.

Anyways, as for news for the school front. Not much happening between now and Easter. Our next unit is the chair unit which will be taught by a guy named Evan Dunston. So that will be good. Right now we are trying to do things that will help us for our end if the year exhibition. Yesterday a couple of men needed some timber milled down, so they brought it in and rented the shop and 4 guys at 60 dollars an hour per man. So we made about 800 dollars toward our exhibition. Also Simon received a called from a man in Hobart that is looking to have 2 doors made for a children's wing of the hospital. He thinks that he can find about 5,000 dollars in there budget to do it with. So hopefully that will come about.

Also I am going to be sending in an application to be in a juried exhibition down in Hobart. The application needs to be in by the 20th of April. The exhibition isn't until June I think. But there is a first prize on 7,000 dollars, man would that be nice. Also your piece gets acquired into the permanent collection. I'll let you all know more about that when it gets closer. I am thinking of entering my stools.

Here are a couple of pictures from our school exhibition. I haven't spoken to any of my fellow students yet. So these are pictures of stuff that I know those who made them won't mind them on here. Please to be enjoying...

Lights by Freeman Cumbie-Wall. Very interesting design that I truly think is going to take off. The light is a mode light that puts a very interesting pattern on the ceiling.

Kevin McMullin's coffee table. This is also an interesting design. There were quick a few problems in the making of this table, as one might imagine. He only got this one done. The other one that he was planning to make wouldn't make the bend.

I am currently working on building my own website. This is because we are forced to take some elective classes at the Uni each semster. I choose to take web page design. So I am looking to come up with a creative new business name. I am playing with a few right now: FOURoneFiVE DesIgns is one, ONO Design is another, K2 Designs is another. fouronefive is my son's birthday, ONO is the hawaiian word for good or tasty, and K2 stands for the first letters in my first and last name (Kaleo Kala). If you have any creative suggestions let me know.

Until next time all.

1 comment:

Thomas said...

Man you need to Ebay those chairs and start acting like some retro islander who went home to find your roots. Play up the whole earth love mystical thing and get a story behind you. Then sell those chairs for 2,000 bucks each.